Monday 23 April 2012


What she says, in tears of anxiety, is shocking to me,
It is not mystery, it is not simple, difficult to understand, 
She says she is first a mother and then a grandmother, 
She is fortune to the family,
Yet she is ignored, as she is an old woman,
And she is ignored as if she is a family burden,
She endures the blame with happy smiles,
And she does not ignore any duty,
Even if she is unable to perform it,
She does it, working is her pattern of life,
An itching effect comes deep into her tattered mind, 
The condemnation comes more from her daughter-in-law,
Than that of her son, who remains silent all time,
And she tries to discard works of mother-in-law.

The new grandmother who is the architect of her house,
Feels the heat when his son does not pay any heed
To the questions and motivation that his mother takes,
For the benefit of the family, and then
He quarrels with mother
And his mother is silent crusader for her deeds,
Her son did not behave so earlier that he is doing now.
She thinks, her son has been turned to a silver screen to reflect wife,
Who plays a great role to make things critical,
And always thinks about life of the pattern
That she had enjoyed in her parent’s house,
This new bride has no sympathy and confession to this family.

The grandmother thinks her mirror is depicting
Her image that is shadowed by the wishes of God,
And she has had to shed tears till she is alive in this family.

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